VLP (Vela Exchange) Integration

Twister Finance
1 min readMar 30, 2023


We have decided to add VLP from Vela exchange instead of SMLP from MUX network on launch.

This is due to the fact that SMLP price oracle could not be established independently on Arbitrum, this would of place reliance on a centralised party, due to this we have decided not to include SMLP on launch. We are however in talks with the MUX network team to find a solution in the future.

This left a gap in our offering, and we looked at several protocols with real yield and growth in Arbitrum. Vela Exchange is a new perpetual platform that recently launched in Beta on Arbitrum. Vela Exchange has had strong growth during this period, their TVL has grown to ~$35m over this time with yields of about 30%-105%. The VLP pool is a USDC based liquidity pool that backs the protocol against traders that are using leverage on their platform, as the pool is USDC based there is no price risk volatility associated with the pool, allowing users to loop without a mismatch risk.

The Twister finance team thinks this will be a great yielding asset in which users can loop. In the current environment users could 2x–8x the above yields, which would lead to a juicy yield on their capital.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.



Twister Finance
Twister Finance

Written by Twister Finance

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